Dashboards & Reports

The following dashboards and reports are provided to share additional data about the Central Indiana region within specific topic areas. Click below to browse the dashboards and reports.

2015- May 2024 Fatality and Serious (Incapacitating) Injury Crash Data

The IMPO began a project in 2017 to correct the locations of the ARIES (Automated Reporting Information Exchange System) incapacitating injury and fatal crash records. The IMPO’s crash dashboard displays over 9 years (2015 – May 2024) of fatal and incapacitating injury crash records in the 8-county region. The dashboard enables the IMPO’s Local Planning Agencies and the public to view the crash data with interactive filters that allow the user to select a specific year, crash type, or jurisdiction. Each individual crash location can also be selected for further crash details. Please contact Jennifer Dunn for more information on the Crash Dashboard or the corrected ARIES Crash Data.

StreetLight Traffic Count Estimates

The IMPO’s StreetLight Traffic Count Estimate Map shows Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) estimates for major roads in the Indianapolis MPO 8-county region.

The source of the data is StreetLight Data. StreetLight draws on big data and proprietary machine learning algorithms to measure travel patterns, and makes them available on demand via StreetLight InSight ®, the world’s first SaaS platform for mobility. StreetLight InSight ® powers thousands of global projects every month. For more information please visit http://www.streetlightdata.com.

Central Indiana Regional Freight Network

The Regional Freight Plan identifies corridors that make up the Freight Network Map. This map is used in the IMPO’s regional Travel Demand Model, as well as during the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) update process when noting proposed projects that are likely to contribute to the regional freight network. The map primarily identifies where truck counts are currently high and assumes that these corridors will continue to support truck movement in the future, as well as identifying major freight activity centers.