CIRCLE 2050 MTP Update

The Indianapolis MPO is undergoing a major update to the region's metropolitan transportation plan (MTP). CIRCLE 2050 (Central Indiana: Reflect, Create, Lead, Excel) will include updated goals, information about regional transportation trends and projections, and an updated list of proposed major transportation projects through 2050.

To learn more about what an MTP is, check out this video.

Or visit this page to review the IMPO's current 2050 MTP. 

Project Milestones

  • Late Summer 2023 Public Engagement
  • Fall 2023 Develop goals, key performance indicators, and project scoring criteria
  • Winter-Spring 2024 Call for projects from IMPO member communities
  • Spring 2024 Public feedback on recommended project list
  • Summer 2024 Project Scoring (In Progress)
  • Fall 2024 Public feedback on CIRCLE 2050 draft plan
  • Fall 2024 CIRCLE 2050 Public Hearing & Adoption

Proposed Projects Feedback

From April 22 through May 12, 2024 the IMPO accepted public comments on the major transportation projects proposed by cities, towns, and counties in Central Indiana. Those comments are being shared with the communities who submitted each project. A summary will be included in the final MTP. 

If you'd like to see a list or map of projects currently in the MTP, visit the active MTP webpage. If you'd like to see a list or map of projects that are being developed with IMPO funding, including roadways, bikeways, bridges, transit, and more, visit MiTIP

Public Survey

The IMPO offered two CIRCLE 2050 MTP public surveys (one statistically valid) in Fall 2023, as well as holding seven focus group meetings. A summary of those results and conversations is below.  

CIRCLE 2050 MTP Public Engagement - 2023


Stay Informed

For updates and involvement opportunities on this project and others, please subscribe to our bi-weekly newsletter, teMPO. The newsletter includes regional project updates, upcoming educational and public input opportunities, and useful regional planning news.

To reach staff with questions or comments, contact the project manager: 

Jen Higginbotham

Jen Higginbotham