Catherine Kostyn
Data Modeler II
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Meet Catherine.

Catherine joined the MPO staff in February 2002 as a Transportation Planner, a Senior Planner a few years later, and eventually become Data Modeler II in 2020 after having worked with the Indianapolis Travel Demand Model and related efforts since 2008. She is interested in the intersection of big data analytics and travel demand modeling, as well as air quality, and non-motorized transportation issues.

Catherine earned her B.S. in Geography at the University of Tennessee and received a M.A. in Geography from Indiana State University. Away from the office she enjoys playing the hammered dulcimer, mountain dulcimer, along with hiking and good books.

Her main responsibilities with the Indianapolis MPO include:

  • Travel Demand Modeling
  • Developing/Running Microsimulations
  • Data Development and assisting with management of GIS resources
  • Providing technical support as needed