Q4-2021 IRTIP amendment & Transportation Conformity

Public Notices
| Thursday, December 02 | 11:30PM
Notice of Public Hearing and Request for Public Review and Comment on the Proposed Amendment to the 2020-2023 Indianapolis Regional Transportation Improvement Program and Conformity Determination Report

Notice is hereby given that a proposed amendment to the 2020-2023 Indianapolis Regional Transportation Improvement Program (IRTIP) is now being offered for public review and comment. Public comments on the proposed IRTIP amendment may be made to Cole Jackson at cole.jackson@IndyMPO.org or call (317) 327-5108 with questions. All comments should be received by December 14, 2021.

Notice is hereby given that an updated Conformity Determination Report for the Central Indiana region is now being offered for public review and comment. Public comments on the proposed report may be made to Jen Higginbotham at jen.higginbotham@indympo.org or call (317) 327-7587 with questions. All comments should be received by December 14, 2021.

Notice is hereby given that at 9:00 AM on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, the Indianapolis Transportation Policy Committee will conduct a public hearing on Resolution Number 21-IMPO-023 considering proposed amendments to the 2020-2023 Indianapolis Regional Transportation Improvement Program, and Resolution Number 21-IMPO-021 considering approval of the proposed 2050 Metropolitan Plan. The hearing will be held at the Ivy Tech Culinary and Conference Center at 2820 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46208. Members of the public may make comments in person or send comments in advance to the staff member listed above. Members of the public may also listen to the meeting via Zoom. The call-in number is (312) 626-6799, the meeting ID is 872 5730 3188, and the password is 446713964. For full meeting details and further information, visit https://www.indympo.org/calendar. Copies of the items above and all plans and exhibits pertaining thereto are available on the Indianapolis MPO’s website: https://www.indympo.org.

The public participation process described above is used to satisfy the public participation process for the Program of Projects (POP) for the following Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grantee: Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation (IndyGo).

The public participation process described above is consistent with the policies and procedures for public involvement that have been formally adopted by CIRTA, and meets all applicable public participation requirements pertaining to grants associated with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA).

For accommodation needs for persons with disabilities, please call (317) 327-5108.

Materials for Review: